English Radio Drama

The 13th English Radio Drama Competition - Workshop on Script Writing and Voice Training- Highlights
(Speaker: Mr. Kristopher Jordan, Center Education Manager, EF English Centers)

Audio clip from BBC on how to make a perfect radio drama

Ten tips for writing a play for radio
Source: BBC

Some Tips — Writing Plays for Radio
Source: British Council

Smart Education Charitable Foundation's research paper on English Language Teaching
Benefits of Radio Drama Competition
Source: The Canadian Center of Science and Education

Research Papers on Radio Dramas

Ball, C. (1995). Taking time to act: a guide to cross-curricular drama. Portsmouth, NH:Henemann.

Curriculum Development Council. (2017). English Language Education: Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1–Secondary 6). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer

Hui, A. & Lau, S. (2006). Drama education: A touch of the creative mind and communicative-expressive ability of elementary school children in Hong Kong. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 1, 34–40.

Maiullo, J. (2018). Radio Drama for Speaking Practice. English Teaching Forum, 2(5), 16–25. Retrieved from

Schuchat, D. (2005). Radio days in the classroom. Social Education, 69(4), 14–16.

第13屆 啟慧中國語文廣播劇創作暨演繹比賽 - 劇本寫作和語音訓練工作坊 [Highlights - 精華片段]


卓越教室 2013 - 樂在其中

精選廣播劇 - 香港電台
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